Payment Policy : For booking of tour, Booking amount is required and remaining payment will be required 15 days before arrival date.
Booking amount: 50% of total amount which is non-refundable on cancellation within 31 days. For Group booking Policy are different & mentioned below.
Cancellation Policy: On cancellation or modification within 31 days from arrival date 50% of total amount will be charged. On cancellation or modification within 15 days from arrival date 75% of total amount will be charged. On cancellation or modification within 07 days from arrival date or no show 100% of total amount will be charged.
Group Cancellation Policy(10 or above pax) : Incase of Group of 10 person or above 50% of total amount is non-refundable within 45 days of travel date. On cancellation or modification within 30 days from arrival date or no show 100% of total amount will be charged. Natural Disaster or Sudden unplanned incident as act of God or Political issue In event of disaster, accident or Political crisis such as Band, blockade any cost incurred due cancellation or change in tour plan will be subject to extra cost on customer. Hotel Check-in and Check-Out time is 12 noon. Day defined for taxi booking means 00:00 to 11:59 pm on same date. It cansidered second day after midnight in outstation taxi booking. Juridiction: Incase of any conflict or legal issue it will be matter of Varanasi jurisdiction.